Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bellies & Steering Wheels

By the way for those who don't know (as if there are alot of you reading this) I am pregnant & due April 28th. Today my belly hit the steering wheel. As much as I am trying to avoid maternity clothes & gain too much weight, this is a reminder that there is more to come. Oh well if it means he (yes it's a boy) is healthy-so be it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I had a great time last night at the YMCA crop, pretending to scrapbook. Tasty food & friends. Of course I am dragging butt today but couldn't let the babies down & not take them to the dog park. (This is our tradition every Sunday) So, until tomorrow...goodnight-preggo needs some rest.

Friday, January 11, 2008


So, I said to don't even read my blog

Answer: I don't need to read your blog, I live it!


Publix was great, love our new store. They were giving away lots of stuff & food-we went twice yesterday :)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

16th,17th,maybe 18th

Decision on hold until the 16th, 17th, maybe 18th. Why? Because I have been hearing this nagging voice in my head since before the first of the year that said wait until the 16/17th. Then my husband said, I have to sell some options (stocks) by the 18th are you sure it's not then? I said maybe it is the 18th. so, we wait. On the upside our new Publix grocery store opens in 2 days. Is it strange to be so excited about this? I need a life overhaul I think.

Monday, January 07, 2008

What a difference a day makes

Decisions are hard, especially for me. I labor over them forever & then second guess them once I have finally made one. Brings me to today- I heard my boss was headed to my office for a visit. Well long story short I got a "Corrective action notice" love titles don't you. Now, I work in homebuilding trying to sell homes-in this market-so not real easy. I sold 5 homes in the last quarter and 3 of those busted out due to financing. You would not believe peoples financial situation. Plus I sent out a contract that didn't come back due to a customer getting cancer. So, basically if I don't sell some homes real quick, I will be on permanent vacation. What a difference a day makes. So, now back to the decision I made that is now unmade. What if I move & now instead of being 5 minutes to work I am 1 1/2 hours from my new job. With a new baby on the way I am really stressing which can't be good for the little guy. Well we'll see what tomorrow brings?

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Years Resolutions

1. Create Blog-done
2. Move

OK, so this one was more difficult. The decision to move has been an extremely tough one for me. We purchased a new home over one year ago, had moved a few things into the house. We also spent a few weekends sleeping there when I got upset thinking of all of the friends, neighbors & favorite haunts I would be leaving behind. I pulled the plug & we stayed in the old house. Now over 1 year later I have come to the realization (kicking and screaming) that we need to move to the new house-not leaving things behind, but moving onto greater things. A bigger house, a nicer neighborhood, closer to my parents & new friends. My favorite places in Carrollwood are just 40 minutes away & now work will only be 5 minutes instead of 40 which is especially useful with a new baby on the way. I will muster the courage to grow-change is good.